Monday, June 29, 2009

The Golden Rules

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DO NOT DEPEND ON OTHERS: Have confidence in yourself as much as possible and do not compare to others. Do not mistake dependence for love. True love allows your loved ones to be free 

RELY ON THE HIGHER FORCE: Persue your path, but along your path higher force may have planned things for you that you do not expect. Accept these gifts graciously. The more open you stay on your path, the more miracles will happen in your life. 

LET BY GONES BE BY GONES: Stop hassling yourself with regrets. Each day is a new day. Adopt a new day to make a fresh start. 

GIVE YOURSELF A CHANCE: Go easy on yourself. Believe in yourself as you venture into new grounds and explore new experiences. 

CREATE HARMONY IN YOUR LIFE: Create harmony in your everyday life, step by step starting from today.

GATHER INNER STRENGTH: Dedicate each day a little time for yourself .Focus your attention into yourself. The more inner strength you gather and the more you become one with being alone, the more will you live from within. Outward influences will have less and less effect on you and you will instinctively make the right choices for you in your life. 

LOVE THE IDEA OF BEING YOU: Whatever you talk, accept you as you are. Tell yourself everyday that there is no one else like you .And believe it. 

GIVE IT YOUR 100%: Whatever you do, do it right. Mistakes do not mean you did it wrong .It just means you will do it right next time. 

REALIZE THE TRUTH: Realize that “The Truth” simply does not exist. What is true for you may not necessarily valid for others. 

PLAN HOW YOU WANT TO PASS YOUR TIME: Don’t waste it. If you do, you will regret at the end of the year. 

LEAVE YOUR HOME AS HOME AND OFFICE AS OFFICE: Otherwise, you will be confusing your family and your colleagues and of course yourself. 

TAKE OBSTACLES AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN: If your life would take its course without any challenges to face, there would no learning process. The more you are willing to see obstacles as challenges, from which you can learn, the easier it will be for you to overcome the so called obstacles and see them as new opportunities for growth. 

FACE DIFFICULTIES WITHOUT FEAR: Delaying the solving of difficulties results in unnecessary fueling into the problem, which will not let you rest until is solved. So, better to face it at once. The more you cultivate the habit to see obstacles as an opportunity to learn, the less difficulties you will experience in your life.
REMEMBER THE AGE OLD PROVERB: You reap what you sow. It is a simple truth. Make it your everyday philosophy. 

APPRECIATE! APPRECIATE! APPRECIATE: Value the people in your life. Stop complaining about the things you don’t have. Be grateful for what you do. 

LEARN TO COUNT UPTO 5: Whenever your temper is on the rise, start counting. It will save you a whole lot of energy and whole lot of regrets. 

TALK SLOWLY BUT THINK QUICKLY: It will always save your energy
REMEMBER THAT GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS IN LIFE INVOLVE GREAT RISKS: Without taking risk, you can’t be an achiever.

WHEN YOU LOSE, DON’T LOSE THE LESSON: Because, the lesson will lead you to victory next time. 

REMEMBER 3R’s: Respect for self; Respect for others, and Responsibility for all your actions. 

NEVER LAUGH AT ANYONE’S DREAMS.THE PEOPLE WHO DON’T HAVE DREAMS DON’T HAVE THE MEANING OF LIFE: Since your life will drive on the wheels of expectations. 

DON’T DISMISS THE HOLIDAYS: Use these days to unwind and relax. To spend your time with your loved ones. It is the best way to relieve stress and to unclog your mind. 

IN DISAGREEMENTS, FIGHT FAIRLY. NO NAME CALLING: Criticize the behavior, not the person who involved it. 

DON’T JUDGE THE PEOPLE BY THEIR RELATIVES: Because the man is not the carbon copy of the relatives. 

DON’T LET A LITTLE DISPUTE INJURE A GREAT RELATIONSHIP: Easy to break and difficult to create. 

WHEN YOU REALIZE YOU HAVE MADE A MISTAKE, TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTIONS TO CORRECT IT: If you don’t take actions to correct it, it will happen again and again. Don’t let same mistake happen again in your life. 

SLEEP WELL, EAT WELL: Have a good night’s rest every night. Enjoy your food. Drink lots of water. The result will show on your face and body. 

A SMILE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY: Happy people are healthy people. Smile, laugh and goof around! You definitely will not be visiting the doctor often.

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